notes of today
here, .. have some .. free of charge ..
Mobilization for war in Ukraine music video for desert
RT -- 1,499,350 subbers
4,595 viewinz counting from Apr 19, 2015
#WarWitness: 'There were traitors. Because of them, my entire family was shot'
Taisiya Kozyr-Pavlovskaya. 85 years old. Defence of Brest Fortress. June 22 - June 30, 1941
there's no good and bad side in armed conflict ... show the excesses both sides are capable of side by side .. and MUCH more important, show the alternative .. effort expended to find, take hints from and help the real SOIL 'BUILDING' peace princes among us are dangerously far and few between.
Pupstep Zach Mills ft. Nummy Muffin
RockSoilerToil TaleTattler commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly - 1:20 PM
i love you to pieces but .... you ARE a holowood addled bunch of EUstrays .. thinking any trick is good enough if it makes you happy .. if it makes you forget you are an alien body and have no rite / right to ground yourself in america ... getting you pleasant smells out of an industrial process that sacrifices the micromanagements delegated to it on the altars of profit. A dog would tell you a thing or two about scent / volatiles / compost and ... to make a long story short (and picture board like ... juuuust the way your ilk likes it ... imagine a culture multied with the following ingredients: tibetan buddhist prayermills ... american drums .. and cernunnos .. the soul/soil food coiner and spender (big) whom the roman gods came to study and pay homage to ... before they were taken down the delegative due drains of diabolically double clutched decency 'growing' revolutions via pre splinternet splinterstatehoodmembership.
2 ... added 'if not so distracted with expectations of obliging accomodation'
i love you to pieces but .... you ARE a holowood addled bunch of EUstrays .. thinking any trick is good enough if it makes you happy .. if it makes you forget you are an alien body and have no rite / right to ground yourself in america ... getting you pleasant smells out of an industrial process that sacrifices the micromanagements delegated to it on the altars of profit. A dog, if not so distracted with expectations of obliging accomodation would tell you a thing or two about scent / volatiles / compost and ... to make a long story short (and picture board like ... juuuust the way your ilk likes it ... imagine a culture multied with the following ingredients: tibetan buddhist prayermills ... american drums .. and cernunnos .. the soul/soil food coiner and spender (big) whom the roman gods came to study and pay homage to ... before they were taken down the delegative due drains of diabolically double clutched decency 'growing' revolutions via pre splinternet splinterstatehoodmembership.
5:32 PM
+RockSoilerToil TaleTattler Boy if I had a nickel for every time someone said that exact thing to me... :P
An Apple A Day in May 5-22-2013
Randi thinks shaking equals and is due diligence when pretending to copy (homeopathic) stirring so he can 'debunk' it ... a bit like the attention ('payed') {to pups!?!] overriding ethics ('perped') .. every time innit?
Till Brönner & Band - Jazzwoche Burghausen 2004
33:47 - Little Sunflower
(6 minutes into the 16 minute long song it gets amazing .. for only 3 minutes, then 2 minutes of mayhem, the last minute is great again) ... so:
39:46 - 42m
(2 minutes i don't care for)
44:08 - 46:11
01:07:48 - Rising Star = same style but unfortunately this has dumb vocals on it
removed from my second native american themed playlist .. and added again .. should have watched it first .. although even after that i didn't remember seeing / adding it at all positively. Is that worrying? I am only 56? Is this what i get for having a brain that runs at 19 times the speed of ordinary folk?
Extermination! Evidence of Biological Warfare Against Native Americans!
Representative Press ☞
Representative Press ☞
Published on Dec 8, 2013
"Extirpate this Execrable Race"! See actual letters where Europeans plotted to intentionally give Small Pox to Indians (Native Americans) in order to Exterminate them. Letters Reveal Plans of Germ Warfare Against Native Americans!
inoculate --"to communicate a disease by transferring its virus."
extirpate -- "root out and destroy completely."
execrable -- "very bad" "deserving to be execrated"
vermine - "A person considered loathsome or highly offensive... such people considered as a group." "Various small animals or insects, such as rats or cockroaches, that are destructive, annoying, or injurious to health."
"Could it not be contrived to send the Small Pox among those disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce them."
Did whites ever give Native Americans blankets infected with smallpox? - "A STRAIGHT DOPE CLASSIC FROM CECIL'S STOREHOUSE OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE"
"if we are constrained to lift the hatchet against any tribe, we will never lay it down until that tribe is exterminated, or driven beyond the Mississippi." - Thomas Jefferson, August 28, 1807
"They have seduced the greater part of the tribes within our neighborhood, to take up the hatchet against us, and the cruel massacres they have committed on the women and children of our frontiers taken by surprise, will oblige us now to pursue them to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach." - Thomas Jefferson letter to Alexander von Humboldt in 1813
VIDEO: NBC Suppresses Protest Against Drones Killing Children
VIDEO: Architects of US War Crimes Rewarded with Even Greater Amounts of Powe
short video ... the demonized Ward Churchill is a good source for facts concerning this 'mishap' .. misshaping the entire world for generations to come unless yall start listening to folks that called plague for what it was way before i was born (and whom i hunt down to treasure and support) and who called, as i been doing too, and called for calling it (plaque generation / supremacy imposed suffering) off in one fell swoop of staccato common sense interspersal[ment .. mint ... hint .. see previous hints]
Inside White House Call Boy Ring
by The Alex Jones Channel
4 hours ago719 views
Alex Jones welcomes Nick Bryant & Henry Vinson to the show to talk about Historical White House sex scandals and why the D.C. Madam was killed
wiliam binney = nsa whistle blower, mentioned by paul (17th minute), first guest on a SS thingie:
Big Brother Out of Control - A pure truth symposium
back in the 1920’s—Hitler was occasionally backed by the Rothschilds to scare the Germans into continuing to support the Weimar Republic (and therefore, continue paying war reparations). That’s sort of like Israel supporting Hamas back in the 1980’s, in the sense Israel was hoping Hamas and the PLO would fight and kill each other off. They didn’t; instead, Hamas conquered the PLO and became 2x the threat to Israel. Or, it’s like us supporting al-Qaeda when they’re attacking al-Assad’s troops in Syria, but then bombing them once they join ISIS in Iraq.
What you have are a handful of very wealthy westerners born into extravagant means, raised in a very flattering illusion that they are “elected by God” to rule over everyone else—and it really doesn’t matter whether they’re Jews or gentiles, seeing as “self-conceit” is an equal-opportunity employer—and so this group of people spend all their lives thinking up ways to keep this western system intact, manipulating other persons to acquiesce to it, to love its wars and ignorance, to believe in its unfairness.
The heart of this system is the US Federal Reserve and the private cartel of banking families that are the creators and benefiters of that system. Rothschilds of London; Lazard Brothers; Kuhn, Loeb and Company; Lehman-Brothers; Goldman Sachs; Rockefellers; Israel Moses-Seif of Italy; Warburgs. Mostly Jewish, but not entirely—and their many backers in the US military-industrial complex and oil industry are gentiles. “Elites”.
Now, why isn’t a war with Iran going to work?
Here, I’ll just give you the same explanation I posted on RT America a few days ago. When it comes to plans to overthrow Iran—to militarily remove the Ayatollah from power—we have 2 choices:
1.) Fight a lengthy ground war with Iran on their own territory. We already know this is an inevitable consequence to any bombing campaign, as conventional bombing isn’t going to do it—the Ayatollah’s physical defenses are far too impervious. And so what does that mean—a “lengthy ground war with Iran”?
This means fighting battles that are very similar to the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan, only unlike in that former instance—a case where we were fighting nomadic warriors who had leftover rifles from the cold war era—now we’ll be fighting a modern mechanized army with state-of-the-art ground weaponry and all sorts of booby-traps along every square mile of terrain. And chances are such a war would make our country drool with envy over our “happier days” back in Vietnam. You’re looking at massive American casualties—50,000+. You’re also looking at the price of oil skyrocketing, as the first thing Iran has promised to do if it is attacked is to stop the transit of oil through the Strait of Hormuz by sinking every oil tanker that tries to get through.
2.) Preemptively nuke Iran. This would destroy every single nuclear treaty in existence, creating a worldwide black market for plutonium overnight. Whereas the first scenario is disastrous for the US in particular, now you’re looking at a situation which is disastrous for the entire planet, with the end result probably being a global “Road Warrior” society—bands of survivors from a nuclear holocaust fighting primitive warlords and marauders. Hell on earth.
With that in mind, what I’m foreseeing on the future horizon is a US military junta. Simply put, I think you’re going to see some charismatic Douglas McArthur just say “no” to our civilian government and its banker overseers, then come back home and conduct a military overthrow of Washington. France almost suffered a similar military overthrow back in 1961:
And after that comes martial law. A real police state—rather than this series of petty government impositions every conservative now complains about. And after that? After that the junta will fracture.
Thing is, if you look around the world at countries that have been ruled by a junta for an extended period, you find they’re like Myanmar—they start from a rural economy full of subsistence farmers who don’t expect much, and then don’t get much. That sort of “circumstance” works well under a junta. In contrast, a highly developed country like the United States would almost certainly revolt against a junta after a very short period—say, 12 months. After that you would see us progressively devolving towards total anarchy.
And after that you wouldn’t have to worry about “elites”. Instead, you would have to worry about a RWOL situation, followed by figuring-out how you’ll help your local community function without any US federal government.
Are you hip to independent agriculture?
Hip to available forms of alternative energy?
Might as well get hip, because you’re no longer going to be able to depend on any shipping or oil.
Different world, Reggie. It’ll feel like a giant eraser wiping the current one away, wiping the current institutions away. Not so much the institutions of thought, certainly not all of them, but rather, the institutions of power. The Federal Reserve is an institution of power. In contrast, the concept of “being an American” is an institution of thought.
And then there will be those who say, “Was this really necessary?”
I think it’s necessary. A people really cannot grow in wisdom or virtue if they’re stuck in a mentality that limits both. You know, as long as a self-conceited person is within a comfortable setting--even a merely FAMILIAR setting--that person will never, ever part with an iota of their self-conceit.
Quantum Physics Proves That There IS An Afterlife, Claims Scientist
Source: | Original Post Date: November 28, 2013 – Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism says death is an illusion.
quantum phuking phizicks is another 'scionzz' disaster waiting to happen ... before you know it they claim what you have (not) left (not much after their war and pharmaffiose diabolic peers take their cut)
The Khazar Myth Debunked - 13th Tribe - Arthur Koestler Refuted
Chris White = 28,250
31,264 Jan 7, 2011
Here are some of the resources that I quoted from.
so, .. from the eleventh minute one can surmise (from between the lines) that certain genes (out to preserve .. something ... criminality?) can / ... "may take on the appearance of their host populations but remain distinctly different genetically"
.. let's call it the empire gene shall we? Cuts across race gender age class and continent in one hell of relentlessly fell swoop .. when you string out a long exposure.
if they should ever manage to ethicise their growth factor obsessions, what a wonderful world this would be ... i invite you ... follow me ...
My first impression of Colin Doran is he’s a nobody who just wants to get in on the discussion. My second impression of him is he’s part of a segment of persons who serve as “official story gatekeepers”, or what Gilad Atzmon called “Anti-Zionist Zionists”. This is a group (a small one—but an effective one) that operate beyond the official narrative, but still basically support it.
The official narrative is 19 mad Arabs somehow overwhelmed the entire US civil defense structure through a series of bizarre coincidences, then got 3 airplanes to do impossible aeronautical feats for jets that size, then got two 110 steel skyscrapers to collapse into their own footprints—this, just with the jets’ own aluminum hollow bodies—and did all because they were religiously deluded on the Koran, something which forbids drinking alcohol and sleeping with prostitutes—yet for some reason, these super-fundamentalist Muslims spent their last night drinking tons of booze (in public) and taking strippers/prostitutes back to their hotel rooms for sex.
Now, that’s a little hard to swallow, so then come the official story gatekeepers. The first lot of them are those who say, “Well, if you want a real conspiracy, look at the phony story of Saddam’s yellowcake uranium”—and that certainly is a real conspiracy, but it has nothing to do with the specifics of 9/11. Then, there’s the next group, and this is one Colin Doran is part of. This secondary group says, “Well, the real shame is nobody will admit that Washington’s unjust policies in the Mideast have enflamed people for the past 20 years.” And that certainly is a shame, but again, it doesn’t begin to answer for the outrageous claims of the official 9/11 tale.
And there’s even a third group of gatekeepers, and this is one for which Alex Jones is a part (or at least used to be).The third group admits the phoniness of the science behind the official story, but then disregards the fact the one common thread amongst all the suspects in the 9/11 false-flag is they were all Zionists—they all supported Israel’s policies in the Mideast.
For the first 10 years after 9/11—and even to this day, albeit to a lesser extent—Alex Jones’ job was to make it seem as though the 9/11 conspirators were every single group on the planet besides Zionists, one representing every single ideology besides Zionism. And so he’d list the sins of the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the WWII-era Nazis, the communists, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the London royals—anyone and everyone who had ever done any sort of closed-door planning of any event—but again, none specific to 9/11.
In contrast, if you want a book which throughly explains the 9/11 false flag, look no further than Christopher Bollyn’s “Solving 9/11”—it uses hard evidence to indict real-life persons and real-life agencies with what can be forensically explained as the most likely thing that happened on the morning of September 11th. And I’ll tell you right now Bollyn is an anti-Semite—you can’t come away from his book and deny that—but then again, when you have a particular crime that has overwhelming Jewish involvement, overwhelming Israeli involvement—so much the whole thing might as well have be thought of as a “kosher” job—well, then it doesn’t hurt to have a prosecutor who pulls no punches.
Bollyn lays bare all the Zionist players involved, Jew and gentile alike. The only thing I’d disagree with him over is his end conclusion this was an attempt of Jewish world domination—I’d say it was an attempt at Federal Reserve world domination, seeing as it’s most logical to think all the funding for this operation came out of the banking cartel that constitutes the Federal Reserve. Is that cartel mostly Jewish? It is—but not entirely; it also includes the Rockefellers and the the Morgans. Furthermore, along the way there was also an enormous profit-incentive on behalf of the military-industrial complex and the western oil corporations.
So, yes, heavy Jewish involvement, but as far as who instigated it and crafted it, I’m going to label those persons as “bankers”. There’s also the word “elites”, and I think that also applies. In contrast, just saying “Jew” infers that gentiles never committed any acts of conquest or exploitation themselves, something that disregards America’s ethnic cleansing of our continent’s native population, as well as the American south’s love of black slavery. It also suggests that if you removed all the Jews from the agencies of corporate power, yet kept the agencies in place, there would never be any more exploitation, suppression, propagandizing, false-flags, wars-for-profit, etc—and I don’t believe that for a minute.
Years ago, someone once told me a very cynical-yet-truthful fact about the nation around me, if not also the world around me, and that fact is “About nine-tenths of the human population cannot govern themselves well.” And at first I thought that was very undemocratic, if not also bitterly pessimistic, yet in the time since I have come to accept it. Granted, I don’t believe humankind has to REMAIN in this state of perpetual lostness, perpetual dependence on the most aggressive and ruthless members of our species to govern the rest, but for now, yes, the bulk of us still have a problem with self-accountability. And that’s also the appeal of the official story: it HAS to have been done by some foreign group with a foreign culture and a foreign religion; it cannot be from within your own nation, your own group, and involving your own group’s own “most successful persons”, at that.
my comment was censored
Soon...Europe Awakes
Mel Goyson
26 views Apr 15, 2015
8th minute: i oppose your "brutally apocalyptic conclusion" and resent your illustration with ritually sacrificially protest .... there's a world of difference, culturally speaking, between being rooted and rooting (the latter implies making marginal 'hostile' environments more amenable to habitation, more productive, check Sepp Holzer out if you think i am just dreaming); europe's heritage thru cernunnos (decried as lustfully pagan by the very people who use that type of temptation to gain political footholds, commercializing vitals that should never ever be delegated way, but really an active provisioner, check the mineral needs of soil, little fresh dust coinage, spent on and dissolving / saved in soilbanks -- our meanwhile thoroughly betrayed and squandered good standing did indeed get taken down and your frust is understandable but your cure of dark allusions do not apply to 'soiling' rock by lightening it up to boost the greenery and therefore isn't one.
8th minute: i oppose your "brutally apocalyptic conclusion" and resent your illustration with ritually sacrificial protest porn .... there's a world of difference, culturally speaking, between being rooted and rooting (the latter implies making marginal 'hostile' environments more amenable to habitation, more productive, check Sepp Holzer out if you think i am just dreaming); europe's heritage thru cernunnos -- decried as lustfully pagan by the very people who use that type of temptation to gain political footholds, commercializing vitals that should never ever be delegated way, but in reality stood for active provisioners. Check the mineral needs of soil .. all the liddul ones in there (outweighing us gazillionfold if it came to a vote), served small 'change', little fresh dust coinage, spent on and dissolving / saved in their habitat, soilbanks -- our meanwhile thoroughly betrayed and squandered good standing under his now crumbled and forgotten directive (was jesus attempting to import it to jewland is their undying hatred stemming from that? reasonable questioner wants to know) did indeed get taken down and your frust is understandable but your cure of dark allusions which do not apply to 'soiling' rock by lightening it up to boost the greenery in the sense described, therefore isn't one.
i'll make you a deal: you read it back to me and i'll throw 2thou nickels into thygh paypal ... which i don't have yet but it's hi time if i want to get rid of my money before some gruesomely gristian relatives, the gvt or alzheimer takes it ... i'm gonna give up hoping i shall soon learn to spend it on myself .. or rather, (hopin against hope) on attracting expert help to do so.
6 days ago, on Kin 10: Planetary Dog, the same Planetary tone coded the Year, Moon and Day.
N. S. 1. 27. 10. 15. D 16: Electric Warrior, M: 8 Muluc 4/19/2015
what was the 13th like for me?
Chautauqua is one of the few writers articulating the depth of the daily ongoing disaster.
march 13 20 27 april 3 10 17 24
proyect on kdvs .. found none archived
nomi prins at gold switserland
save donbass
= pop song with none of the completely addle brained las gasp of mass['sieve'] media lies as pumpin the pumpkin 24/7//13/28+1 in Ukraine
mobilization ...
going on 2 million views since februari 1st
.. and indeed, the russians build good weapons .. but also make very good vids (check masha and the bear series if you like animations, .. specially if you have children)
my heart warms to russia .. to the point where the hasbaratified history buffs hogging the airwaves during churchtime on sunday in Holland will prolly add my life story to the pile of russia goin biops they've already stacked up over the decades at some point in the distance.
The empire is broken up at it's very [strategically and) variously placed 'hearts' as it is .. in any case ... in it's zeal for undead mis- and displacement.
But let me not end on a dark note alone, add a little radionics, Demeo, maybe even a gravity wheel .. if we can get enough heavy lifters convinced it's worth their time.
i've already said a thinkg or two about the way the devils figure they can play this in the eye of the working public with little time to dig for truth on the internet and not charmed by the likes of those who do .. like me. I had a christian who sings in the comfort of his home nearby with 3 daughters already run away when i accused him of being biased which he tactically saved himself from by claiming i was interrupting him and he was just about [getting ready] to balance his demonization spiel (unmarked fighters yada yada).
make the EUkrnns look bad by sending them inexperienced youths that would only get in the way of WUkrnn oligarchs anyway and instruct them to terrorize, drug and drunk them up, then make them look up to the actually paid private supremacist armies who do a little exemplary free market lancing on the side by sluicing well paying westerners through for whom fsg (first shooter games, no questions ever) are not real enough.
for those who don't know, the poroschenko shot in the beginning should be enough to tell you what sort he is (USraeli stooge) as the mobilizations are far from voluntary unless you like to picture the alternative, abject oligarch finagled poverty a choice.
so Donbassians will seem cruel if they shoot those who refuse to retreat and/or don't heed folks like Gubarov (-ev?) shown in the beginning, urging them to go home (and as usual the soldier is threatened from both sides)
good with rockets