De orthodoxe moslim: Lale en Dennis Honing
'ongelovigen' betekende verschillende dingen in verschillende perioden: aan- af- en opvalligen bijvoorbeeld en de receptuur is daaraan aangepast.
als we gaan turven doe dan eens bijbel met islam vergelijken. Verhelderend.
staar je niet blind op de botte middenmoot en laat Dennis je door het brilliante zijstromen land van, netzomin als de ander monotheismen, monolithische rots & knot 'randschap' gidsen. Bijvoorbeeld:
55th minute Dennis Honing mentions RKhalifa briefly in one of his bird's eye sweeps thru spaces and ages of islam
Khalifa was the first guy to let a computer loose on the crosschecksum factor 19 .. big aspect of Bahai for instance and it has a biobase in moon/sun periodicity; the maya calendar updater Jose Arguelles believed he had telepathic contact with Muhammed in his previous incarnation as contemporary ruler of his, Pacal Votan, whose tomb in a Palenque pyramid was excavated in 1952 ... sofar nobody has managed to work with hints he left in 1999 very much - this will blow your mind .. and make you wonder about nonsequential aspect in the Quran, ... in my opinion, obviously in parallel to the 'shuffled' 'mundane spread' next to an orderly / sequential one. I mean the divine / calendrize 'notionalisms' per playing card decks .. a bookversion of which i used to carry and use, to quickly get an idea about new people while travelling, via an A4 sized, plastic ringspined copy of "secret symbols of the ancients" - digitally usable at
religiosity as puzzle ..... en denksport ... leert u lekker hobbelen door een sfeer van taalknobbelen ... a grade [and cut] above personalization, personification / anthropocentrism and yet as intimately in- as it is out- and ongoing.
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