Wednesday, March 08, 2023

RijksOverheid DIgID diGid diaboliciteit

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RijksOverheid DigID diaboliciteit
ik mag niet langer op vertrouwde manier inloggen maar word mobiele telefonie opgedrongen. Iets wat ik vanaf aanvang daarvan PRINCIPIEEL WEIGERDE vanwege de dubbele 'onethiciteit' die overigens ook voor lithium gelden: giftigheid en oorlogsmethodieken ingezet bij winning ervan te gewetensbezwaarlijk en levensgevaarlijk.
 Inplaats van de weg om de E-waste wereld weer uit te komen vrij maken, open stellen en houden, doen jullie het tegenovergestelde? Draai dit tandje terug en probeer weer oog te krijgen voor burgerbescherming, u weet wel, de bron van die o zo veel beter beschermde data. Vanaf de bovenkant: databurger, blijft van onder de burgerdata.

Thijs van den Nouland
February 13, 2023
Keeps nagging about adding an email address. Stop asking for it, no means no. Bothering people with a question until they give in is a dark pattern. Unfortunately DigiD is something we can't do without anymore, otherwise this would have been an immediate uninstall for me. Edit: Typical answer, not addressing the issue. Point is you insist on fishing for more information and won't take no for an answer. I'd like to see an option to disable the 'please add an email address' question altogether.

February 13, 2023
Dear Thijs, the DigiD app is the safest way to log in. If you prefer not to use the app, you can still use one of the other login methods. If you have any other questions, please contact us on telephone number 088-1236555. We’re looking forward to helping you. ^KH | Webcare DigiD

H. Kberg
February 22, 2023
Freezes a lot a after the pincode. Killed the app multiple times, doesnt seem to work. Cleared the cache but now I have to log in again. Dont know my password anymore so I need to recover doesnt work, get a server malfunction...unbelievable. But hey, what else can you expect from government IT solutions!

February 24, 2023
Hello, we are sorry you cannot log in. Please contact us through telephone number 088-1236555 to find out what is going on. We would like to help you. ^RE | Webcare DigiD


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