The People's Square - Debating Leftism w/ CV, Eric Striker, and Borzoi
sender = center ... ooookaaaay ... pomospokery a ges
this is gonna take me 2 days at this rate ... ... luckily i'm dutch bible belt AND returned to it like a dog to his vomit zo zendeling carries duh wait of du whirled ... when is pynchocketry gonna get .. eh .. .see you off 'sinterr' mr sanetaur?
32nd minute is his first weak moment transposing jewish intent to american ones .. cause american geomeddlers are not jewified europeans[, not] manipulated by a cabal that goes 'ooooh look at that biiiiig occupation across the water that's making our lives miserable'[ NotZi globalizzum on work/act out detail].
great vid so far ... it's gonna beat the competition for best 10 of the year i bet ... but i'm only an hour in ....
around minute 42 (on pedos) would be just about the right point to throw in/out "Demonic Males' (by Wrangham), .. jussayin ...
one of my fave books .. a foundational txt, CV mouths it's points a few minutes later ..
she does considerable claw back [from DM points, which could be considered evolutionary justification for nambla type stuff i guess ... heh, THAT's why it's been so, thus far inexplicably, but no more, taboooooooohooooo biblical !!!!!!!] at 1h4th
don't mind me though ... i mean ... i can see my/our way clear to 'ascribing' / scratching .. 'agency' into / onto the very rockybottom of existerrence .. the path to volition ... let's call it race to please striker ... races to full volition are convolute .. conrevoltuuttoot ... a pure gentleness with everyting implied ... simply won't work with anything less purendure
1 hour 7m she? he? condemns greece teacher/pupil as too powerful
my type of that is the powDerful kind rather ... the most primitive slippie stuff the prize ... totally unlike what Lingis and others report about the samba tribe which revolves around avuncular semen ...
1h11 she?he? places a stunner of a point ... comin down from a dignified perch to give as good as she got ... return onto the striker what he put out, .. abused, abandoned, shorten the karmic circumventions. Striker's animality succesfully .. hansomely returned
let the backflow of notabilitation and prose mi[N]tonation begin[NNNN]
Rückfluß der Noten
31.) S. 72: Wenn Ersparnisse die deponiert werden für die Diskontierung von Wechseln etc. nicht nötig sind, weil
dass mit Banknoten nach dem Rückstromprinzip getan werden könnte, dann sollten diese Ersparnisse dafür nicht
"verschwendet" werden. Sie sollten eher produktiv und zu höheren Zinsen angelegt werden, zu dem Ausmass als
der Kontoinhaber bereit ist, z.B. für Teile seines Kontobestandes Bankobligationen mit bestimmter Laufzeit
anzunehmen, die ihm ein höheres Zinseinkommen geben können. Unter Bankfreiheit wird der Kunde auch einen
geringeren Bedarf für eine hohe Kassenhaltung und ein höheres Bankkonto haben
2 refs:
anarcho daycare in the 60s (pedo fesser daniel cohen)
irony: striker is the jew in this farce, dreading world domination by a handful of palis who say, get a grant from kushner to start an Asterix (the gallier) village with Geoff Lawton as advisor, combining info as wel as fo[[[rmation as in blood soil ritejustness ... sorry for shorthanding stuff i've gone into all over the net for 20 years, under one 1000 page click very soon]]] freedoms in harmonic ways, life braiding the greys of clouds and rocks into greeninbetween, CV celebrates ... farfetched analogy soon to be in you face and phasespace??? Hope so ...
sender = center ... ooookaaaay ... pomospokery a ges
this is gonna take me 2 days at this rate ... ... luckily i'm dutch bible belt AND returned to it like a dog to his vomit zo zendeling carries duh wait of du whirled ... when is pynchocketry gonna get .. eh .. .see you off 'sinterr' mr sanetaur?
32nd minute is his first weak moment transposing jewish intent to american ones .. cause american geomeddlers are not jewified europeans[, not] manipulated by a cabal that goes 'ooooh look at that biiiiig occupation across the water that's making our lives miserable'[ NotZi globalizzum on work/act out detail].
great vid so far ... it's gonna beat the competition for best 10 of the year i bet ... but i'm only an hour in ....
around minute 42 (on pedos) would be just about the right point to throw in/out "Demonic Males' (by Wrangham), .. jussayin ...
one of my fave books .. a foundational txt, CV mouths it's points a few minutes later ..
she does considerable claw back [from DM points, which could be considered evolutionary justification for nambla type stuff i guess ... heh, THAT's why it's been so, thus far inexplicably, but no more, taboooooooohooooo biblical !!!!!!!] at 1h4th
don't mind me though ... i mean ... i can see my/our way clear to 'ascribing' / scratching .. 'agency' into / onto the very rockybottom of existerrence .. the path to volition ... let's call it race to please striker ... races to full volition are convolute .. conrevoltuuttoot ... a pure gentleness with everyting implied ... simply won't work with anything less purendure
1 hour 7m she? he? condemns greece teacher/pupil as too powerful
my type of that is the powDerful kind rather ... the most primitive slippie stuff the prize ... totally unlike what Lingis and others report about the samba tribe which revolves around avuncular semen ...
1h11 she?he? places a stunner of a point ... comin down from a dignified perch to give as good as she got ... return onto the striker what he put out, .. abused, abandoned, shorten the karmic circumventions. Striker's animality succesfully .. hansomely returned
let the backflow of notabilitation and prose mi[N]tonation begin[NNNN]
Rückfluß der Noten
31.) S. 72: Wenn Ersparnisse die deponiert werden für die Diskontierung von Wechseln etc. nicht nötig sind, weil
dass mit Banknoten nach dem Rückstromprinzip getan werden könnte, dann sollten diese Ersparnisse dafür nicht
"verschwendet" werden. Sie sollten eher produktiv und zu höheren Zinsen angelegt werden, zu dem Ausmass als
der Kontoinhaber bereit ist, z.B. für Teile seines Kontobestandes Bankobligationen mit bestimmter Laufzeit
anzunehmen, die ihm ein höheres Zinseinkommen geben können. Unter Bankfreiheit wird der Kunde auch einen
geringeren Bedarf für eine hohe Kassenhaltung und ein höheres Bankkonto haben
2 refs:
anarcho daycare in the 60s (pedo fesser daniel cohen)
irony: striker is the jew in this farce, dreading world domination by a handful of palis who say, get a grant from kushner to start an Asterix (the gallier) village with Geoff Lawton as advisor, combining info as wel as fo[[[rmation as in blood soil ritejustness ... sorry for shorthanding stuff i've gone into all over the net for 20 years, under one 1000 page click very soon]]] freedoms in harmonic ways, life braiding the greys of clouds and rocks into greeninbetween, CV celebrates ... farfetched analogy soon to be in you face and phasespace??? Hope so ...
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